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XeroPass - Triplex Access Authentication
XeroPass is the first truly secure identity, triplex authentication and access controls management platform of its kind. XeroPass enables computer access to all your systems, applications, data and online accounts from your smartphone while eliminating the need to create, remember, enter or update user names and passwords. XeroPass gives you real-time control over all access and transactions.
XeroPass employs a triplex cybersecurity schema based on patented technologies that government security and academic experts have dubbed “game changing”. The data required for accessing any specific account is never stored on your computer or in the same place at the same time or in any form that can be viewed by others.
XeroPass is an extensible solution to the problem of secure authentication and usability that has plagued some of the largest online companies with greater frequency. The password files of these firms are under constant attack, requiring more complex and difficult to remember login information. The days of using passwords as a method of securing access and information are numbered.
Only XeroPass provides secure authentication and auto login functions along with an extensible Architecture that can be adapted to virtually any application including:
Real time approval of corporate expenditures
Real time approval of credit card and banking transactions
Automation of intranet secure authentication and updates
Automatic updating of login information for ecommerce sites
And much, much, more…
XeroPass represents the next generation of cybersecurity solutions and meets the criteria for secure authentication and communications set by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
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